Sunday, November 23, 2014

Social Justice Assignment

For my social justice assignment I attended two social justice presentation on November 1st. They were both very interesting and informative about breaking away from the stereotypes on women and working together as a community. The first presentation was about working confidently toward your career. It was mostly about women being the underdog in finding jobs and pursuing their careers. This is because most females will be beaten in a job position most likely if the candidate is a male. The two speakers were females that have achieved greatly in their field and is working for a job they feel they belonged in with great pay. They worked hard despite being female and made it on top of their class then graduated with master degrees in chemical engineering. They showed us all the tips for success and resources + tools we can use to help us achieve. ex. websites and organization to help minorities feel better when pursuing their career. This particular presentation reminded me of McIntosh's reading on white privilege. Although, it was not about race, it was about equality and that some people are born with privilege and they don't need to work as hard as others. Females and minorities sometimes will be intimidated and are not confident because they are afraid they can not compete for the job the love because they don't have this "privilege".
The other presentation I went to was about Central Falls and how they worked to help their community as well as learn something on the way. The speakers that was there showed us about the garden they farm for the community and everyone benefited from the freshly grown fruits + vegetables. There was also a social studies teacher whom created a safety squad out of students and taught them how to do first aid and rescues in case of emergencies. The activities they do really spark their interest because some of them went to pursue as doctors or hospital related jobs. The program they run in central falls helped students with interest in learning anything and give them community service hours. It was an eye opening experience because when people come together as a community, there is endless possibilities. It reminded me of Kahne and Westheimer, "In Service of What?" because community service is a great way to give back to your friends, teachers, people you know and your family. It has an effect for the people around you and everyone benefits from it.

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